17 Jan 2023 admin

10 Fun Drinking Games to Play At Your Next Party

Are you tired of the same old party scene?

Shake things up with these 10 fun drinking games that are sure to bring some excitement to your next gathering.


Beer Pong

One of the most classic drinking games out there, beer pong involves tossing ping pong balls into cups filled with beer (or your beverage of choice). The goal is to get the ball into as many cups as possible. When a ball lands in a cup, the other team has to drink the contents of that cup. The team that clears all of their cups first wins.


To add some extra fun to the game, try using different types of cups (such as solo cups or red cups) or playing with multiple balls at a time. You’ll need a ping pong ball and at least 10 cups to play this game.


Flip Cup

In this fast-paced game, teams race to finish a series of “flips” in order to win. Each team has a row of cups filled with a certain amount of beer (or other beverage). The first player on the team starts by chugging their cup and then trying to flip it over onto its base using only their hand. Once they’ve successfully flipped the cup, the next player can go. The first team to finish all of their flips wins.


To add some extra challenge to the game, try playing with teams of different sizes or incorporating additional physical challenges (such as having to do a handstand before flipping the cup). All you’ll need for this game is a few cups and a table.


Never Have I Ever

This simple but entertaining game is perfect for getting to know your friends (and possibly embarrassing them in the process). To play, each player takes turns saying something they’ve never done, preceded by the phrase “Never have I ever…” For example, “Never have I ever gone skydiving.” Anyone who HAS gone skydiving (or done whatever the activity in question is) has to take a drink.


To add some extra fun to the game, try incorporating different categories (such as “never have I ever gone on a crazy adventure”) or making the game more competitive by keeping score. No equipment is needed for this game – just a group of friends and some beverages.


Kings (aka Circle of Death or Ring of Fire)

In this game, a deck of cards is spread out in a circle and players take turns drawing cards and completing the corresponding action. For example, drawing a 3 might mean that the player has to take a drink while drawing a queen might mean that the player gets to make up a rule that lasts for the rest of the game.


To add some extra excitement to the game, try using different decks of cards or incorporating additional rules (such as having to take more than one drink for certain cards). All you’ll need for this game is a deck of cards and some beverages.



This simple but addictive game involves trying to bounce a quarter off a table and into a cup. Players take turns attempting to make the quarter into the cup, and if they succeed, they get to assign a drink to another player. If they miss, they have to take a drink themselves.


To add some extra challenge to the game, try using different cups or incorporating additional physical challenges (such as having to bounce the quarter off a certain object before it goes into the cup). All you’ll need for this game is a quarter and a cup.


Drunk Jenga

In this twist on the classic game, players take turns pulling blocks out of a Jenga tower and then completing the corresponding action written on the block. For example, the block might say “take two drinks” or “make up a rule.” The player who causes the tower to fall loses the game.


To add some extra fun to the game, try using different-sized blocks or incorporating additional rules (such as having to complete a challenge before pulling out a block). You’ll need a Jenga set to play this game.



This fast-paced game involves trying to get your opponents to react to a series of hand gestures. Players take turns thumping the table and making a hand gesture, and the other players have to mimic the gesture as quickly as possible. The last player to do so has to take a drink.


To add some extra excitement to the game, try using different hand gestures or incorporating additional challenges (such as having to perform the gesture with your non-dominant hand). All you’ll need for this game is a table and some beverages.


Booze Chess

This game is a fun twist on the classic strategy game of chess. Players take turns making moves and then taking a drink based on the type of piece they moved. For example, moving a pawn might mean taking one drink, while moving a rook might mean taking three drinks.


To add some extra challenge to the game, try using different pieces or incorporating additional rules (such as having to take a certain number of drinks based on the square you moved to). You’ll need a chess set to play this game.


21 (aka Blackjack or Pontoon)

This card game involves trying to get as close to 21 as possible without going over. Players take turns drawing cards and trying to get as close to 21 as possible. If they go over 21, they lose the game and have to take a drink. To add some extra excitement to the game, try using different betting rules or incorporating additional challenges (such as having to perform a physical challenge before drawing a card). You’ll need a deck of cards and some beverages to play this game.


Drunk Scrabble

This fun twist on the classic word game involves trying to create the highest-scoring words while intoxicated. Players take turns drawing tiles and creating words and then taking a drink based on the number of points their word is worth. To add some extra challenge to the game, try incorporating additional rules (such as having to complete a physical challenge before drawing tiles) or using a timer to limit the amount of time players have to create their words. You’ll need a Scrabble set to play this game.



No matter which game you choose, remember to drink responsibly and have fun! These games can be a great way to add some excitement to your next party, but make sure to take breaks and stay hydrated.